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4” smudge stick

4” smudge stick

Smudge those negative energies ! 🌿 💨

Start by opening a window just enough to get a very slight breeze this will help dispel any smoke build up and will allow negative energy to leave your space generally you should not need to untie the string from your stage four it will burn well but if you have trouble, pulling it apart may help it burn better. (String is safe to burn, and small chunks can be burned separately)

Begin by letting your smudge stick for about 15 -30 seconds while holding the flame to the tip of your smudge stick. Rotate it slowly to generate a nice smoldering ember. You can also gently blow on the amber for one inch of oats to maintain it and remember to use caution!

When smudging star in any room or area furthest from the exit move the smoke around the room from high to low side to side while making your way to the exit. Another method you can use is begin near the exit and move clockwise or counterclockwise around the room and make your way to the exit. (Tip: Traditionally you can use a feather to waft the smoke, but it’s optional and may or may not be included with your kit eye have lots of options)

Be mindful of the ash forming on your smudge stick, you may want to use an ashtray, smudging bow or traditionally in abalone shell which is used to hold smudge sticks before, during and after use (sold separately).

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