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(prey - nahyt)

What is Prehnite?

Different shapes of a polished Prehnite crystal

Prehnite is an inosilicate of aluminum and calcium. Discovered in 1788 in Cradock, South Africa, Prehnite is named after Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn, the commander of the military forces of the Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope.

Prehnite was used as a stone of prophecy by the indigenous South Africans. Prehnite connects you to the earth element and allows you to be more down-to-earth and grounded by teaching you how to be in harmony with nature.

Prehnite Metaphysical Properties and Benefits

Prehnite has many metaphysical healing properties and benefits. This stone connects to Gaia, the Earth goddess, the mother of all life.

This stone lets you see the value in all aspects of love, helps you develop compassion, and nurtures the environment and animals on Earth. Prehnite helps you create life and manifest your highest intentions by connecting you to creative and maternal energy.

Prehnite Healing Properties and Benefits

💚Health and Strength💪🏽

By teaching you how to be in harmony with nature, Prehnite helps you adopt a healthier lifestyle, giving you more vitality. Prehnite connects you with animals, helping you form loving relationships with them, and with plants, allowing you to use them for health.

Place a Prehnite stone in your kitchen to make healthy dietary choices or carry it in your pocket when exercising for increased stamina.

Forgiveness and Emotional Balance

By healing the heart chakra, Prehnite balances your emotions and allows you to invite love and empathy into your heart. This stone makes it easier to understand others and to connect with their emotions.

Wear a Prehnite crystal pendant that rests on your heart chakra to connect with the vibration of love.

🌿Detox, Rehabilitation, and Recovery🧬

Prehnite pushes you to let go of addictions, compulsions, and what does not serve you, clearing the path to a healthy, happy life. It allows you to form healthy habits that will benefit your growth and health.

Meditate with Prehnite on your heart chakra for 10 minutes every day when you need to release something in your life.

Hormone Balance and Blood Circulation

By repairing the connective tissue in your body, Prehnite helps heal the body in many ways.

Sleep with Prehnite under your pillow to enhance cell regeneration and renewal while you sleep.

💦 Stress Release 🌞

Prehnite releases stress from the emotional and mental part of you, making you feel more at ease. This stone is very soothing to the mind and can help rid mental clutter and toxic thoughts that cause you to experience negative emotions.

Meditate with Prehnite in your palm for 5 minutes to access its calming effects when feeling overwhelmed.

Prehnite Spiritual Properties and Benefits

A treasure chest that is full of jewelry on the sand

🔮Dream Work and Therapy🪬

Prehnite is a stone for “dreaming and remembering.” It will enhance your dreams and help you remember them. It also increases the chances of lucid dreaming, where you are conscious of your dreams and able to control them.

Place Prehnite under your pillow to increase the frequency and intensity of your dreams.

Abundance, Luck, and Prosperity

This stone connects you with the frequency of love and abundance by healing your heart chakra. It lessens feelings of poverty, and lack, and helps you realize that your mindset dictates what you attract.

Meditate with Prehnite on your heart chakra for 20 minutes to invite more luck and prosperity into your life.

🧿 Psychic Protection 👑

Prehnite protects you from the unknown and gives you endless strength by allowing you to be ready to face anything. This stone protects you during meditation and prevents intrusive thoughts from interfering with a tranquil mental state.

Carry a Prehnite stone in your pocket for protection.

🛌 Astral Travel 🧭

Prehnite keeps you grounded and connected to your physical body when astral traveling. By establishing a secure cord that connects you to your body, Prehnite ensures safety and protection when your spirit leaves your body.

Keep a Prehnite crystal on your bedside table for safe astral travel.

🧘🏾‍♂️🧘🏽‍♀️ Spirit Contact and Guidance 🗺

Using Prehnite in rituals strengthens the invitation and allows you to contact spirit guides to ask them for guidance. Prehnite is a talisman that invites high-vibration spiritual beings into your space.

Place Prehnite on a crystal grid in front of you during meditation to contact your ancestors and spirit guides.


Prehnite allows you to sense what is to come in the future, allowing you to plan and prepare for anything. Using Prehnite can give you bad feelings when you are about to face danger, allowing you to make a plan to escape the situation.

Wear Prehnite jewelry daily for increased intuition and psychic insight.

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